videoart compilation DVD
"Vidiot in Contemplation"
For info-holic you, a specific remedy of videoart!!
VCTokyo videoart compilation DVD "Vidiot in Contemplation"
"life IMAGED" Kazumi Kanemaki
"Living in the Box" Kentaro Taki+Naoya Ooe
"AI" Sung Nam HAN
"SHOT" Shuhei Nishiyama
"Pathologic Video Practices"Naoya Ooe
"The Lost in the Backyard of Surface" Naoya Ooe
"Abarekoinobori"GOLDENSHIT[Katsuyuki HATTORI+Yusuke SHINMURA]
"Bild:Muell"Kentaro Taki
Issued 1st July 2007, price:3990yen(incl.tax) total 68min, DVD-video, NTSC, Stereo,
Enlgish+Korean subtitle

For info-holic you, a specific remedy of videoart!!
VCTokyo videoart compilation DVD "Vidiot in Contemplation"

"life IMAGED" Kazumi Kanemaki
"Living in the Box" Kentaro Taki+Naoya Ooe
"AI" Sung Nam HAN
"SHOT" Shuhei Nishiyama
"Pathologic Video Practices"Naoya Ooe
"The Lost in the Backyard of Surface" Naoya Ooe
"Abarekoinobori"GOLDENSHIT[Katsuyuki HATTORI+Yusuke SHINMURA]
"Bild:Muell"Kentaro Taki
Issued 1st July 2007, price:3990yen(incl.tax) total 68min, DVD-video, NTSC, Stereo,
Enlgish+Korean subtitle

Fujiko Nakaya collaborated with Johan Johanson
9-10 July 2007
Fujiko Nakaya had her "mist" installation at Johan Johanson's live concertat Museum of Future Science. VCTokyo documented this live concert.
cooperated byMuseum of Future Scienece、Alion Music Foundation、Process Art
Fujiko Nakaya had her "mist" installation at Johan Johanson's live concertat Museum of Future Science. VCTokyo documented this live concert.
cooperated byMuseum of Future Scienece、Alion Music Foundation、Process Art
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