
pioneers of video art in Japan vol.1

"Undefined" project: documentary and interview

videoart compilation DVD
"L'Empire des Signifiants"

T O K Y O + V i d e o a r t = Launch Out!
VCT's the first videoart compilation is digital remastered reissued!
1. video composition #2 "Stolen Air" 5min. TAKI Kentaro
2. "media cage" 7min. TAKI Kentaro
3. Study on Media "education before education" 8min.43sec. HATTORI Katsuyuki
4. "President" 11min. KANEMAKI Kazumi
5. "a not = a or For Devatas Who Keep on Dancing" 15min.30sec. KAWAI Masayuki
(Total length is about 60 min)

1 Mar. 2008 release, total length 60min. DVD video, NTSC, English/Korean subtitle, 3990yen(tax.incl)


VIDEO TRACKING vct chronicle 02-09:

VCT Media Design:

Undefined Boundary Project:

Carlo Sansolo exhibition:

V-LOUNGE | V-LOUNGE | Canadian Videoart Channel vol.1-3 vol.1-3:

Elodie Pong - Peripheral Area



Maurice Lemaitre