Categories:2015,EVENTS,PROJECTS,Video Sparks/Reflexive(2014-15),What's New

Video Art Promenade in ASAGAYA

Video Art Promenade in ASAGAYA/ “Wall to Wall”

Hunt for the video art hidden in the city light!

Overview of the project:
This art project let audience to seek and observe the works located in the various parts of the city. A word, 'Promenade' is originated in France, means taking a nice long walk. Audience searche for an art work with a map that’s provided for them. Without worrying about the “rules” of the art , they are able to enjoy the work fully with their own moment and the space. Rather than having art show in ordinary indoor spaces, such as theater or the museum, we are setting up a stage in the several places in urban city (Wall to Wall) to invite audiences into unexpected encounter with the work of imagery= video art.

date: 20(fri.)-22(sun.)Feb. + 27(fri.)Feb.-1(sun.)Mar. 2015
venue: several places around Asagaya sta. and TAV Gallery
fee: 1000yen(1drink+exhibition map)

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Ryota HAMASAKI / Sung Nam HAN / Masayuki KAWAI / Ko NAKAJIMA / Shuhei NISHIYAMA / Kentaro TAKI / Keigo YAMAMOTO and more....

presented by VIDEOART CENTER Tokyo
cooperated by TAV Gallery, Gallery Hakusen, Asagaya Art Street
S_upported byArts Council Tokyo

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How to access
Video screenings are interspersed around the town. For looking for video pieces, you need exhibition map, which shows also drinks, foods and local information. Let's get the exhibition map at TAV gallery at first!

asagayabriefmapE.jpgbeggining point: TAV Gallery
From North exit of Asagaya sta. (JR chuo line), across Nakasugi -dori street to SEIYU super market, and walk along with the street to north direction, after 300m, right side, a corner of white building is TAV gallery

google map
[Contents of video works]
vol1-1-seizoki1.JPG"Seizoki" Ko NAKAJIMA(1964, 4min)
An experimental animation piece by direct paint on film, was produced for the solo screenings at Sogetsu Hall.
videoart-konakajima-shokutakudensha-1975.jpg"Dining Table Train" Ko NAKAJIMA&Video Earth Tokyo(1975, 8min) Carrying table and foods to the subway train, the group started to have a lunch party in the freight car. A documentation of the performance in the public space.
videoart-KeigoYamamoto-handsno2-1976.jpg"Hand No.2" Keigo YAMAMOTO (1976, 7min)
Two “hands” video images, pre-recorded one showed inside of a CRT monitor, and the other one moves to shape the frame of the monitor, presents us a video technology itself.
videoart-MasayukiKawai-niagala2008.jpg"Niagara Hot Spring" Masayuki KAWAI (2008, 7min)
Twilight moments of Niagara Falls. While it is getting light, the falls emerge out of the darkness, changing the colors of vapor. And the eyes are drawn into the fall then purified by the torrent.
videoart-RyotaHamasaki-enlighten-2013.jpg"Enlighten" Ryota HAMASAKI (2013, 5min)
“Enlighten”means giving us a brightness and explaining something clearly. It’s about “Light and Darkness”, “Man and Woman”.
videosynphonia1.jpg"Video Symphonia"  Kentaro TAKI (2014, 5min)
A symphony played by the bustle of urban space, media space and video noises. It’s a re-composition of large number of video clips of web space.
videoart-sungnanhan_haraboji_2015.jpg"Secret to the Public" Sung Nam HAN (2015, 10min)
As informing private messages through SNS, twitter or youtube, this piece is projected at open-air space and night time of real world to the anonymous. It tries to visualize the structure of mind and space about the right of publicity or privacy.
videoart_shuhei_nishiyama_timeless-asagaya2015.jpg"timeless video:1080pixels and frames" Shuhei NISHIYAMA (2015, 9min.)
Image and audio are cut by 1 pixel and 1 frame of video's minimun unit and played shifting time by 1 frame. We can feel that layers of image which are sliced by 1 pixel and audio synchronized with each images at the same time.
Video documentation and photos of "Video Art Promenade in ASAGAYA/ Wall to Wall" held in February-Mar 2015!

videoartpromenadeinAsagaya2015 (9).jpgのサムネール画像 videoartpromenadeinAsagaya2015 (4).jpg videoartpromenadeinAsagaya2015 (5).jpg

videoartpromenadeinAsagaya2015 (6).jpg videoartpromenadeinAsagaya2015 (7).jpg videoartpromenadeinAsagaya2015 (8).jpg


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Maurice Lemaitre