Categories:2016,EVENTS,What's New

"VIDEOs"program @VIDEOFORMES2016, France

[related artist info.]
Saturday 19th March, 2pm, salle Boris Vian
VIDEOs screening at VIDEOFORMS2016 in Clearmont-Ferrand, France.

Contemporary video art screening program from VIDEOs from Japan. As an expression methods, the members of VIDEOs are using video material for their pieces into conscious awareness. This program presents problems of artist in today in the period of information society.

Supported byArts Council Tokyo



VIDEO TRACKING vct chronicle 02-09:

VCT Media Design:

Undefined Boundary Project:

Carlo Sansolo exhibition:

V-LOUNGE | V-LOUNGE | Canadian Videoart Channel vol.1-3 vol.1-3:

Elodie Pong - Peripheral Area



Maurice Lemaitre