[related event]
Dates: 16(Fri)-24(Sat) September
Venues: SuperDeluxe (Roppongi), UPLINK FACTORY (Shibuya)
Under the theme of “Commotion” Hors Pistes Tokyo 2016 will present various programs: legendary works which caused uproar in the art world, cutting-edge moving image arts and performances, selected works by Hors Pistes Paris and nominated works from new artists in various Asian countries. Hors Pistes (“off-road” in French) is an international film festival initiated by the world famous Centre Pompidou museum in Paris. Since 2011, Hors Pistes Tokyo promotes emerging images, ideas and talents in Japan and Asia. The festival is a place to experience and discuss new ways to see and share images. Artists: Christian Boltanski, Joseph Beuys, Douglas Davis, Nam June Paik, Isidore Isou, Aki Kuroda, Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Justine Emard, Keiichiro Shibuya, LoVid, etc.
HPT2016 Official Website:
http://www.horspistestokyo.com/ -2016 Program:
http://www.horspistestokyo.com/program-2016/ https://www.facebook.com/HorsPistesTokyo/posts/1153373328034873 https://twitter.com/horspistestokyo/status/772635775087239168 Facebooka:
Joseph Beuys, Douglas Davis, Nam June Paik,
documenta 6 Satellite Telecast, 1977. Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.
Isidore Isou,
Traite de bave et d‘eternite, 1951. Courtesy of RE:VOIR.
Christian Bolthanski,
L’Homme qui tousse, 1969. Coutesy of the artist.
Digital Dirt Spiderwebs, 2016. Courtesy of the artists.