SHOP: 2007年7月Archives
videoart compilation DVD
"Vidiot in Contemplation"
For info-holic you, a specific remedy of videoart!!
VCTokyo videoart compilation DVD "Vidiot in Contemplation"
"life IMAGED" Kazumi Kanemaki
"Living in the Box" Kentaro Taki+Naoya Ooe
"AI" Sung Nam HAN
"SHOT" Shuhei Nishiyama
"Pathologic Video Practices"Naoya Ooe
"The Lost in the Backyard of Surface" Naoya Ooe
"Abarekoinobori"GOLDENSHIT[Katsuyuki HATTORI+Yusuke SHINMURA]
"Bild:Muell"Kentaro Taki
Issued 1st July 2007, price:3990yen( total 68min, DVD-video, NTSC, Stereo,
Enlgish+Korean subtitle

For info-holic you, a specific remedy of videoart!!
VCTokyo videoart compilation DVD "Vidiot in Contemplation"

"life IMAGED" Kazumi Kanemaki
"Living in the Box" Kentaro Taki+Naoya Ooe
"AI" Sung Nam HAN
"SHOT" Shuhei Nishiyama
"Pathologic Video Practices"Naoya Ooe
"The Lost in the Backyard of Surface" Naoya Ooe
"Abarekoinobori"GOLDENSHIT[Katsuyuki HATTORI+Yusuke SHINMURA]
"Bild:Muell"Kentaro Taki
Issued 1st July 2007, price:3990yen( total 68min, DVD-video, NTSC, Stereo,
Enlgish+Korean subtitle

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title:"Vidiot in Contemplation" DVD, 3990 yen( x
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