

パリのアートスペース、104-Le CENTQUATRE にて開催されるJeune Creation 2013にて、VCT関連アーティストのスクリーニングとヴィデオ・パフォーマンスを行います。

2013年11月14日(木) 16:30-19:00
 Jeune Creation 2013, 104 ソンキャトル、パリ、フランス

アクセス: 104-Le CENTQUATRE
5 rue Curial, Paris 19th, France

16:30- ヴィデオ上映 "info-melting pot/ Tokyo-Paris Correspondence"
アーティスト: 藤井 可奈子, 服部 かつゆき, 浜崎 亮太, 韓 成南, 西山 修平, 大江 直哉, 瀧 健太郎.

18:00- "ヴィデオ・フィードバック・パフォーマンス"  河合 政之


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[上映作品] 16h30-
img-sabi-fujii.jpg“SABI” Kanako FUJII (2013, 10min)
The origins are to be forgotten. Turn the tap on, and you see clear water. Meat are packed in the store and ready to be cooked. These are obvious facts and can't never be changed. If that's the case, why don't we look back to cherish their passing life?

img-bluebackhole-han.jpg“Blue Back Hole” Sung Nam HAN (2013, 17min)
This work shows not only good side of Paris as widely known as sightseeing but also behind side which Gypsy beg for money doing fake donation to tourists, using 'blue back' which is one of video magic, changing background and showing many layers. This work is to think diversity, the various possibilities on that we live, a representation of a human life.

img-gaze-ooe.jpg“Gaze to mood” Naoya OOE (2013, 1min35sec)
We do not watch like conditioned response. And we can completely forget it by repeat. It is our mood. actor :Taro Kimura

img-xshosipili-taki.jpg“Hymne À Xochipilli/ du Japon” Kentaro TAKI (2013, 2min50sec)
A sonic poetry reading. The performer’s voice echoes into the theater against innumerable information/images being flooded in urban space in Tokyo. An homage to Maurice Lemaitre, artist/filmmaker of Lettrisme.

img-1_100_shuhei_nishiyama.jpg"1/100*100" Shuhei NISHIYAMA (2013, 8min)
Video(Image/Sound/Time)is divided into 100 pieces. The time is shifted and reproduced, fragments of all images in the total time can be seen at the same time. All images are different but sounds are same for all.

img-SeeThroughEchos_Hattori.png“See Through Echos for violin, guitar, poetry, and image” Katsuyuki HATTORI (2013, 11min) A collaborative work by Kibe Yohani (poet), Miyuki Akimoto (music composer), and Katsuyuki Hattori (video artist). “Water” as a keyword, their communication has been interpreted into echoes of violin, guitar, poem and images.

img-tangram-taki.jpg“Tangram” Kentaro TAKI (2011, 3min11sec)
The videos from my shoots are pieces of a puzzle. I turn and combine these pieces, which were shot before and after 3.11, to form the times and perceptions I lived through.

img-desertion_hamasaki.jpg“Desertion” Ryota HAMAZAKI (2011, 10min)
In a dark black room, in urban landscapes where nothing happens, and on the sand. The image and text in the three sequences cross between a man and a women. It is about what never appears but merely sinks and will be deserted between men and women.

[ライブ・パフォーマンス] 18h-

videofeedback-performance-kawai.jpgVideo Feedback Live Performance by Masayuki Kawai
about 40 min.

Kawai uses neither computer nor prepared picture. Images and sounds are produced by analog video. Through this performance live, the audience will directly experience the aesthetics of the video, which is totally different from the film or the digital image.